June 29, 2021
5 Ways to Achieve Work-Life Balance for Happier and Healthier Employees We all take on different roles in our personal and professional lives. Think about it. What titles do you take on in your everyday life? Some may include: · Employee · Trainer · Leader · Partner · Parent (to a child or a furry friend) · Friend The list goes on and on. And sometimes, trying to balance it all can feel like drinking out of a firehose. So how do we do this? The key is to achieve work-life balance. I doubt this is your first time hearing the term. But what exactly does work-life balance mean, and what actionable steps can we take to help ourselves and our teams achieve it? What started as a trendy concept in the corporate world has become a highly valued factor that younger generations strongly consider when accepting - and leaving - jobs (Millennials and Gen Z, I’m looking at you). 59% of millennials report feeling worried about finding a career path that will support the lifestyle they hope to live, and Millennials will comprise more than one of three adult Americans by 2020 and 75 percent of the workforce by 2025. If you consider this, work-life balance has never been more important for talent attraction and retention. Not to mention reducing stress and burnout in the workplace, making for happier and more productive employees. By implementing work-life balance, it is important to look at the big picture of an individual, rather than simply see them as an employee. Below are some strategies that have worked for us at CTM and many other companies to help employees achieve work-life balance.